Motivation Monday


This week’s Motivation Monday, I wanted to talk about opportunity. What is opportunity? The dictionary describes opportunity as a set of circumstances that makes it possible to do something. It’s also described as an amount of time or a situation in which something can be done.

I’ve been blessed with an abundance of opportunities lately. But I admit opportunities have not always been plentiful. Everyone has peaks and valleys they experience in life. Trust me when I say, I’ve had a lot of valleys.

Have you ever noticed that there are times in which everyone around you seems to be getting blessed with opportunity? This also happens to be the time in which opportunity doesn’t seem to come your way. Although you are not a jealous person, you begin to feel some kind of way about others great fortune. Let me tell you a secret that will help you drop that jealous mentality often experienced when others have opportunities and that seem to elude your grasp. Now listen closely, the secret is simple. When others are blessed around you and you are not, that simply means “the line is moving”.

What does “the line is moving” mean? It means you should rejoice and praise God when others around you are blessed. That means it’s one less person in front of your blessing. Hence, the line is moving and you are getting closer to yours. I adapted this mentality a long time ago and it helps me to immediately snap out of any sense of jealously or insecurity.

Remember; when others are blessed with opportunities don’t fret. The line is simply moving and you’re one step closer to yours.

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