Fab Friday Feature

I decided to start a Fab Friday Feature series, When I realized how much I wanted to share things that I love with my readers. But I was unsure of how to do so. So I came up with a series, Each week I am looking forward to sharing all things I find “fabulous”. Whether, it be a blog, person, place or thing. With that being said, I am excited to share my first Fab Friday Feature with you!

I met Kari of Thisisfoundheretoo at the Go Blog Social conference last month. Kari just exuded such a sweet and inviting spirit. I could not help but to feel immediately comfortable when speaking with her and after about five minutes if was as if we were high school girlfriends catching up. I noticed Kari had a gorgeous necklace so I asked, “Where did you buy that necklace?” Kari responded, “Oh, I made it.” After exchanging cards, I went to her etsy shop to check them out and literally wanted to purchase all of them.

Now that you know a little history behind how my first feature and I met. I asked Kari a few questions, So my readers can get to know her a little better….. Here’s….. Kari!



1)  What inspired you to blog?
A few years ago, I didn’t even know what a blog really was.  I kept hearing people talk about them and finally googled something really general like “top blogs” to check some out.  It was like a whole new world opened up to me.  I suddenly found a source of inspiration that I seemed to connect with more so because these were just people like me coming up with DIY projects or wearing a cute outfit to dinner instead of big companies putting together marketing campaigns.  I became really inspired to start creating and changing my style into what I had long envisioned, but was too afraid to try.  I relished reading others’ stories, but I wanted to be a part of the community instead of just reading about it.  So a little over a year ago, I started my blog (This, too) to chronicle my life, style, and every day adventures and become a part of this crazy and wonderful blogmmunity. 
2)  What’s the story behind your blog name?
“This” is the name of my handmade jewelry business.  I wanted to think of a word that could mean a lot of different things to a lot of different people.  “This is           “  (you fill in the blank).  “This” to me is making the most of this whole shebang and discovering why I’m here.  I want to enjoy these moments and not let them pass me by as I’m waiting for the next one.  When I started my blog, I wanted something that kept that same theme, but also differentiated itself from my handmade wares line.  Around this time, I was reading “Romance: A Novel” by Joseph Conrad, and I got “This, too” from the last line, which basically said that the seemingly ordinary moments are what make up our great adventures.  It summed up how I feel about my life so perfectly. 
3) You’re jewelry is absolutely simple and elegant.  What inspired you to start a line?
A few years ago I was looking for a headband to wear to a wedding and couldn’t find anything in the colors I wanted, so I decided to make my own.  I started really enjoying the act of creating and working with color, since my day job isn’t too exciting.  The next year, I expanded my line to include
necklaces and bobby pins when I couldn’t find anything that matched my dress for another wedding.  I like using my jewelry to jazz up a t-shirt or be that final touch to pull an outfit together.  It’s usually that extra little something that makes you just feel happy.
4) What’s something about yourself you can share with my readers?
My biggest dream is that my husband and I lived on a sailboat and sailed around the West Indies exploring secluded islands.  We currently live in Kansas, but dare to dream big, right?  Last year my husband and I took a sailing class.  Granted it was on land, and we never went in the water, but it’s still a step in the right direction:)  I think it’s so important to have dreams and the joy of possibilities, but  also just as important to open your eyes to your current life and realize how good things are here.  But who knows?  Maybe one day I’ll be selling my wares on an island and blogging from a hammock beneath a coconut tree. 
I wanted to share with you a few picture’s of Kari’s handmade headband line. I love that the headband’s have detachable/interchangeable attachments and the velvet headband is non slip. Check them out below: Aren’t they amazing! (in my Oprah Winfrey voice)
2 in 1 Interchangeable no slip headband with fabric rosettes that will fit any age from babies to adults2 in 1 Interchangeable no slip headband with fabric rosettes that will fit any age from babies to adults2 in 1 Interchangeable no slip headband with fabric rosettes that will fit any age from babies to adults
As a special gift to my reader’s, Kari has extended a special discount of 15% off all items in her Etsy shop when you use my special code: FPKC15


  1. May 9, 2014 / 9:40 am

    I also LOVED meeting adorable Kari at GBS! Great feature!

    • fashionplatekc@gmail.com
      May 9, 2014 / 6:51 pm

      Thank you, Ivy.

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